SQL Server Stretch Database pricing
You can see price details on the https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/details/sql-server-stretch-database/ page. Stretch Database bills compute and storage separately. Compute usage is represented by Database Stretch Unit (DSU) and customers can scale up and down the level of performance/DSUs they need at any time. The prices given here reflect general availability pricing, which goes into effect on September 1, 2016:

Table 6.1: StretchDB price list
Database sizes are limited to 240 TB. Monthly price estimates are based on 744 hours per month at constant DSU levels. Stretch DB is generally available in all regions except India South, China North, Brazil South, US North Central, India West, Australia, Japan, and US Gov.
Data storage is charged based on $0.16/GB/month. Data storage includes the size of your Stretch DB and backup snapshots. All Stretch databases have 7 days of incremental backup snapshots.
You can also use the Azure Pricing calculator...