Development tooling
Developers need tools to create code and other artifacts, test them, and assemble them into services, processes, rules, user interfaces, and so on. Good tools help developers to produce better code more efficiently. Development tools can range from simple text editors in which you just type your code to extensive Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) that provide features such as:
Compilers, validators, code inspectors, optimizers, and so on that verify the correctness of your code and point out possible improvements.
Debuggers and code analyzers to track and solve bugs.
Documenting code and publishing this documentation.
Graphical editors and wizards to generate code. Examples of these are XSLT mappers to graphically map a particular XML format into another one, and editors to create HTML pages.
Support for frameworks that provide out of the box functionality for frequently occurring constructions and boilerplate code. Frameworks speed up development and provide best...