Connecting an RGB LED and generating different colors
RGB LEDs are another thing you can control with your Raspberry Pi Zero. These LEDs have a few more connectors than the ones we have been using in previous recipes, but will emit just about any color.
Getting ready
You probably know from the title that you'll need an RGB LED. Here is the entire parts list you will need for this recipe:
One common-cathode RGB LED
Three 330 Ohm resistors
How to do it...
Configure the RGB LED circuit as shown in the diagram. The common lead, which goes to the RPZ ground, is the longest of the LED legs. We'll use the same ports that we used for the first PWM LED recipe:
Our RGB LED program will use the same concepts as the PWM LED program. An RGB LED is really three LEDs in a single container. By lighting each of the internal LEDs at a different intensity (with PWM adjustments), the LED will render the combination of the colors, to the human eye appearing to be a completely different color. Create a new file in...