Time for action—Moving the blocks
The default positions of the blocks when they are first installed are shown in the following screenshot. Now, let's try moving the blocks to a different location.

We will try to do the following:
Add a NEW PRODUCTS block to the left column and delete the NEW PRODUCTS block on the right column.
Shift the CART to the top position on the right column and move the TOP SELLERS to the second position on the same column.
Move the NEWSLETTERS block to the right column.
We need to perform the following steps:
Click on the Positions button. This will direct us to the Back Office | Modules | Positions page.
This page will show us all the modules already installed on the left, right, and center columns. It will also allow you to see which modules can be moved or set exceptions.
Our first task is to transplant a NEW PRODUCTS block on the left column.
Click on the Transplant a module button, and you will get to a page where you choose the modules you want to transplant from...