Transaction lock waits
Locking performance issues will often be evident by an excess of clients that are waiting for a lock to be granted. If you join two pg_locks
entries together with a matching pair of pg_stat_activity
ones, it's possible to find out various information about both the locker process that currently holds the lock, and the locked one stuck waiting for it:
SELECT AS locked_pid, AS locker_pid, locked_act.usename AS locked_user, locker_act.usename AS locker_user, locked.virtualtransaction, locked.transactionid, locked.locktype FROM pg_locks locked, pg_locks locker, pg_stat_activity locked_act, pg_stat_activity locker_act WHERE locker.granted=true AND locked.granted=false AND AND AND (locked.virtualtransaction=locker.virtualtransaction OR locked.transactionid=locker.transactionid);
This variation looks for and provides additional information about...