Adding PostGIS layers – uDig
A hallmark of the User-friendly Desktop Internet GIS (uDig) program is that it can be used as a standalone application or plugin for existing applications. Details on the uDig project, as well as installers, can be found at the following website:
Click on Downloads on the preceding website to view the list of versions and installers. As of this writing, 1.4 is the latest stable version. uDig is supported by Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
In this recipe, we will quickly connect to a PostGIS database and then add a layer to uDig.
How to do it...
Carry out the following steps:
Navigate to Layer | Add from the main menu:
Select PostGIS as the data source and click on the Next button to continue:
Fill in your PostGIS connection parameters and then click on the Next button:
Select the target database in the Database drop-down menu. Click on the List button to view all of the tables from the database that have valid geometries. Then, check the checkboxes...