Consuming a RESTful service from the OSB
In this recipe, we will show you how to consume an existing RESTful service from the OSB. We will reuse the service we have provided in the previous recipe and implement a proxy service/business service pair to expose it as a SOAP-based web service.

The business service is using the HTTP transport to invoke the RESTful service and a proxy service is exposing this as a SOAP-based web service, also using the HTTP transport.
In this recipe, we will only implement the RetrieveCustomerByCriteria operation.
Getting ready
Import the SoapUI project CustomerServiceCRM-soapui-project.xml
from the location \chapter-5\getting-ready\exposing-restful-service\soapui
into your SoapUI. Start the mock service CustomerServiceSOAP MockService
Import the OSB project containing the implementation of the RESTful service into Eclipse OEPE from \chapter-5\solution\exposing-restful-service
Import the base OSB project containing the right folder structure and the necessary XQuery...