Creating customers
Before we can sell Items, we need customers. In this recipe, we will look at how to create customers. We will create a customer called Sheepwall Inc with an address called a site. The site can be used as a bill to, ship to, and deliver to address.
Getting ready
Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite R12 with the username and password assigned to you by the system administrator. If you are working on the Vision demonstration database, you can use OPERATIONS/WELCOME as the USERNAME/PASSWORD.
How to do it...
Let's create a customer:
1. Select the Order Management responsibility.
2. Navigate to Customers | Standard.
3. Click on the Create button.
4. In the Customer Information region, enter SheepWall Inc in the Organization Name.
5. In the Account Information region:
Select DEFAULT as the Profile Class
Select External as the Account Type
6. In the Account Site Address region:
Enter United States in the Country field
Enter 12 Sheep Gate in Address Line 1
Enter Philadelphia in the County...