Managing debt
Customer debt is managed in receivables from advanced collections. This includes printing dunning letters, statements, and viewing outstanding bills. In this recipe, we will view aged debts.
Getting ready
Log in to Oracle E-Business Suite R12 with the username and password assigned to you by the System Administrator. If you are working on the Vision demonstration database, you can use OPERATIONS/WELCOME as the USERNAME/PASSWORD.
How to do it...
Let's view the transaction history and the aging bucket of SheepWall Inc:
1. Select the Receivables responsibility.
2. Navigate to Collections | Collections.
3 In the Organization field, enter SheepWall Inc.
4. The History tab shows the history of transactions between specific periods.
5. Click the Transactions tab to view the transactions between a specific period
6. Click the Aging tab to view the Aging Bucket (the time periods to review the open transactions).
7. In the Aging Bucket field, select Collections, Aging Type 7-Bucket.
8. Click...