Time for action – running an RMAN duplicate
Perform the following steps to create a standby database with the RMAN duplicate method:
Check the primary database status; it must be either
.SQL> select db_unique_name,database_role,open_mode from v$database; DB_UNIQUE_ DATABASE_ROLE OPEN_MODE ---------- ---------------- -------------------- turkey_un PRIMARY READ WRITE
Run the RMAN command from the standby system. Connect the primary and standby instances using Oracle Net Service names.
[oracle@oracle-stbydbs]$ rman target sys/free2go@turkey auxiliary sys/free2go@india Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Thu Jul 26 18:41:06 2012 Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. connected to target database: ORCL (DBID=1316772835) connected to auxiliary database: ORCL (not mounted)
RMAN will show the connected sessions as shown previously, which provided the primary status—either
. Also, standby is in the...