Chapter 3. Working with Arrays
It is often necessary to handle a set of data in a process, which is represented as an array. Some examples of when this may occur include:
When you retrieve a set of records from a database
When you are processing a group of related items, for example, order lines in an order
Handling arrays can provide a challenge to the new developer who sometimes finds that the methods they have learned for other data types do not seem to work with arrays. In this chapter, we will present the basic theory on how to deal with arrays, specifically the following:
Creating an empty array (with no elements)
Creating an array (with some empty elements)
Creating an initialized array (with data in it)
Getting an element of an array
Setting up an element of an array,
Appending an element to an array
Joining two arrays
Removing an element from an array
Iterating over an array using an embedded sub-process
We will also put this theory into practice by building a number of example processes to...