Skipping the Maven build
Every OpenShift Java application is a Maven-based application. Whenever you run a git push
command, a Maven build is performed, and the resulting archive (WAR or EAR) is deployed. There are scenarios where you don't want to do a Maven build with every push to the gear. These scenarios can be WAR deployment or executing only action hooks. In this recipe, you will learn how to skip the Maven build step during deployment.
This recipe will work with all the four supported Java cartridges (Apache Tomcat 6, Apache Tomcat 7, JBoss AS7, and JBoss EAP).
Getting ready
To complete this recipe, you will need the jobstore
application created in the Creating and deploying Java EE 6 applications using the JBoss EAP and PostgreSQL 9.2 cartridges recipe. Please refer to this recipe if you don't have a running OpenShift application.
How to do itβ¦
Perform the following steps to skip the Maven build:
Open a new command-line terminal, and navigate to the directory where the