Starting a web server
The first thing we need for a web application is a web server. In this section we will see how to start a web server using Opa.
A simple example
As a web application, resources such as web pages, images, and audios need to be served to users; therefore, we need an HTTP server. Let's think for a moment about how we would do that in PHP. The typical setup would be an Apache HTTP server with mod_php5 installed.
With Opa, things are a bit different. We not only implement our application, but also the whole HTTP server. In fact, our web application and its web server are basically the same. Our code will be translated into Node.js script after compilation, and will be run with Node.js. The benefit of integrating the server with a web application is increased security. Let's just start with a simple example:
Server.start(Server.http, {text: "hello Opa"})
Save this code into a file, 301.opa
for example, then compile and run it. The two concluding dashes are needed to launch the...