Now that you've installed Node.js, we want to do two things—verify that the installation was successful and familiarize ourselves with the Node.js command-line tools and running simple scripts with Node.js. We'll also touch again on async functions and look at a simple example HTTP server. We'll finish off with the npm and npx command-line tools.
Using Node.js's command-line tools
The basic installation of Node.js includes two commands: node and npm. We've already seen the node command in action. It's used either for running command-line scripts or server processes. The other, npm, is a package manager for Node.js.
The easiest way to verify that your Node.js installation works is also the best way to get help with Node.js. Type the following command:
$ node --help
Usage: node [options] [ -e script | script.js | - ] [arguments]
node inspect script.js [arguments]
-v, --version print Node.js version
-e, --eval...