Loading YUI 2 modules from YUI 3
There can be several reasons why we would want to load YUI 2 modules from within YUI 3. We may have a substantial amount of pre-written YUI 2 code that we wish to use straight away, saving us the trouble of rewriting it from scratch. Another reason may be, as in this book, we wish to use features of the YUI 2 that have not yet been re-implemented as native YUI 3 modules.
In this recipe, we will learn how to load YUI 2 modules from within YUI 3 by loading the Calendar widget from YUI 2, inside a native YUI 3 script.
Getting ready
We begin by creating a new PHP file yui_cal.php
in the cook
directory with the following content:
<?php require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../config.php'); $PAGE->set_context(get_context_instance(CONTEXT_SYSTEM)); $PAGE->set_url('/cook/yui_cal.php'); $PAGE->requires->js('/cook/yui_cal.js'); echo $OUTPUT->header(); ?> <div id="calContainer"></div> <?php echo $OUTPUT->footer(); ?>
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