Calculating the course grade
All graded activities that are added to the online course will automatically be added to the Gradebook. Students can have a range of assessments for which they will be given a range of scores. Apart from storing these grades, the Gradebook can also calculate a final grade based on a range of preset aggregation settings available within the course. Aggregation means to bring together all the scores and then perform a calculation to present a final grade.
Before this aggregation takes place, a normalization process happens. Normalization is when the grade given to an individual assessment is converted into a decimal for the calculations.
Why use normalization?
Normalization is required in order to ensure that all the grades have the same base value so that they can be calculated fairly in relation to the maximum grade. For example, a grade of 20 out of 100 is a lower percentage score than 20 out of 20, so using both scores as 20 would not accurately represent the...