Understanding assignments
If you want the student to do or create something and then grade the results, you want in an assignment.
What you can do with an assignment
The options in the assignment activity give you many choices in how to run the assignment. Before we look at how to create an assignment, let us look at what you can do with it and what features you want to use in the assignment.
Types of work students can submit
All of the following options can be combined. For an assignment, you can require the students to:
Submit one or more digital files
Write something
Do something outside of Moodle
Each of these is covered in a subsection below.
Submitting a digital file
Anything that can be uploaded on a computer can be uploaded into an assignment. However, Moodle will enforce its limit on the size of uploaded files. For example, if you require your students to create a digital photograph, this option might work well.
Remember that a Moodle site is configured with a limit on the size of files that...