What is the most important thing to test?
There is no simple, straightforward answer to this question. There are many dependencies that will affect what the most important thing to test is:
- Timelines: when are we doing the testing?
- Platform: different platforms have different rules
- Target audience: who is your player and how do they behave in the game?
- Business model: is our game an open or closed ecosystem (F2P versus premium)?
- Build readiness: what is ready to be tested?
- Target market: different markets bring different challenges
- Business requirements: do we have a partnership or stakeholder that requires us to focus on something specific?
- Technical changes
These are by no means all the possible dependencies. The gaming business is a very fast-paced industry and constantly changes and evolves. This also affects QA as one of the crucial parts of game development. How we do determine the most important thing to test? Let’s look at the...