Chapter 2: Digital Logic
Exercise 1
Rearrange the circuit in Figure 2.5 to convert the AND gate to a NAND gate. Hint: there is no need to add or remove components.
Relocate the R2 resistor and the output signal connection point as follows:
Figure 1: NAND gate circuit
Exercise 2
Create a circuit implementation of an OR gate by modifying the circuit in Figure 2.5. Wires, transistors, and resistors can be added as needed.
The OR gate circuit is as follows:
Figure 2: OR gate circuit
Exercise 3
Search the internet for free VHDL development software suites that include a simulator. Get one of these suites, set it up, and build any simple demo projects that come with the suite to ensure it is working properly.
Some freely available VHDL development suites are as follows:
- Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is available at
- Intel® Quartus® Prime...