Now that we have covered everything that is important to explain how your game works, the last step is to provide numbers and evaluations about what is needed to make this game (resources, time, and money) and how this game will make a profit, once shipped.
In this section are enlisted the technical aspects related to the development of the game.
You put here the information regarding the resolution of the application, the estimated parameters for graphics and audio assets, the number of assets for graphics (2D and 3D) and audio, animations, and so on.
It is here that you declare the resources required for development (people and software), the estimated time required for development, and its cost.
You also explain here how you plan to make money out of your game, by detailing its business model and the marketing strategy.
Expect to fill this section with charts and diagrams, as it is the clearer way to make people quickly grasp numbers and trends.
Parts of this section are the budget and...