Getting started with Mixamo
In order to use Mixamo, you need to be able to use Mixamo, are we clear on that?
Okay, what that really means is that you need to have a Mixamo account. And the account is free, as in "no money," zero dinero. Comprende?
If you already have a Mixamo account, consider yourself a superior human who will be considered for saving when the time comes (soon).
If you do not have a Mixamo account, get started with Mixamo, with these steps:
- Use the frontal lobes of your brain to create a free Mixamo account. Go to
and choose Sign Up for Free. You will not be sorry: - If you need to sign up, you will be subjected to the following torturous interrogation screen, which you must endure:
- If you somehow make it through that process, you will be in good shape. Re-login...