We have seen ogr2ogr in action already, and now it is time to give two GDAL tools a spin: gdal_translate and gdalwarp. The former is a translation utility that can change the format of a raster datasource while the latter is a reprojection utility. Therefore, in order to extract a reprojected raster from a PostGIS database, we need to perform two steps:
- Extract the raster using gdal_translate
- Perform a reprojection using gdalwarp
In order to get some help with both utilities, simply type the following in the console:
You could also use the following:
The most important parameters of gdal_translate for our scenario are:
- -of: Specifies the output format (use gdal_translate -formats to obtain information on the supported formats).
- -outsize xsize[%] ysize[%]: Specifies the output raster size. It can be expressed in pixels or a percentage. If it is not used 100...