Modifying and snapping to features
In this example, called ch05_modify
, we will customize the remaining feature editing interactions before we go on and create our own. Firstly, we create some further CSS rules for our new controls:
.toolbar .ol-modifyfeat button { background-image: url(../../res/button_modifyfeat.png); } .toolbar .ol-snap button { background-image: url(../../res/button_snap.png); }
Extending the method
Now that we have the required rules, we can extend our addEditingToolBar
method with two additional interactions. As both the modify and the snap interactions accept a collection of features to work with, we go that way and store the selected layer's features in a new collection object:
toolBar.prototype.addEditingToolBar = function () { […] this.activeFeatures = new ol.Collection(); var modifyFeature = new ol.control.Interaction({ label: ' ', tipLabel: 'Modify features', className: 'ol-modifyfeat ol-unselectable ol-control', ...