Chapter 1, A Solution Approach, covers the high-level design of large software projects and helps you understand the common problems faced in a production environment and the solutions to these problems.
Chapter 2, Setting up the Development Environment, shows how to set up the development environment and configure Spring Boot effectively. You will also learn how to build a sample REST service.
Chapter 3, Domain-Driven Design, teaches you the fundamentals of domain-driven design and how is it used practically by design sample services.
Chapter 4, Implementing Microservices, shows you how to code the service and then write the unit test for the developed code.
Chapter 5, Deployment and Testing, covers how to deploy microservices and develop them on Docker. You will also learn to write the Java test client for microservices.
Chapter 6, Reactive Microservices, shows how to design and implement reactive microservices.
Chapter 7, Securing Microservices, covers the different security methods and the different ways to implement OAuth. You will also understand Spring Security implementation.
Chapter 8, Consuming Microservices Using Web Application, explains how to develop a web application (UI) using the Knockout. You will require Bootstrap JS libraries to build a prototype of a web application that will consume microservices to show data and flow of sample project—a small utility project.
Chapter 9, Best Practices and Common Principles, talks about microservice design principles. You will learn an effective way of developing microservices and how Netflix has implemented microservices.
Chapter 10, Troubleshooting Guide, explains the common problems encountered during the development of microservices and their solutions. This will help you follow the book smoothly and would make learning swift.
Chapter 11, Migrating a Monolithic Application to a Microservice-Based Application, shows you how to migrate a monolithic application to a microservice-based application.