- admin panel
- CMS home page, creating from / Creating the CMS home page from the admin panel
- widgets, adding in / Adding the widget in the admin panel, Summary
- design, overviewing / An overview of the admin design
- customizing, AdminTheme module used / Changing the default admin panel
- admin panel, customizing
- AdminTheme module, installing to change folder path / Installing the module to change the folder path
- admin panel interface
- creating / Interfacing the admin panel with the theme
- frontend, customizing / Customizing the frontend
- input text field value, obtaining / Getting the value of an input text field
- conditional options / Conditional options
- yes/no dropdown option, accessing / Accessing a Yes/No dropdown
- uploaded image file, obtaining / Getting the uploaded image file
- AdminTheme module
- used, for customizing admin panel / Changing the default admin panel
- installing, to change folder path / Installing the module to change the folder path
- admin theme options panel
- theme options module, creating / Creating the theme options module
- System.xml fields, overviewing / Overviewing the System.xml fields
- advanced admin options panel, creating / Creating the advanced admin options panel
- interfacing, with theme / Interfacing the admin panel with the theme
- advanced options features / Advanced options features
- visual color picker, creating / Creating a visual color picker in admin
- Adobe TypeKit
- about / Adobe TypeKit
- URL / Adobe TypeKit
- advanced admin options panel
- creating / Creating the advanced admin options panel
- custom dropdown field, creating / Creating a custom dropdown field
- advanced options features
- dependent field, creating / A dependent field
- JavaScripts, adding in comment tag / Adding JavaScripts inside the comment tag
- alert message
- adding, for incorrect data / Adding the alert message if the data is incorrect
- animated cart
- creating, in header / Creating an animated cart in the header
- top.phtml file, customizing / Customizing the topcart.phtml file
- CSS, customizing / Customizing the CSS of the cart
- content, styling with CSS / Styling the cart's content with CSS
- app directory
- layout subdirectory / The layout subdirectory
- template files / Templates
- locale folder / Locales
- translatable entries, creating / Creating new translatable entries
- folders, creating in / Starting with the app folders
- + button
- integrating in, product page / The + button
- background color, header
- changing / Changing the background color of the header
- banners
- CMS block, creating for / Creating the CMS block for the banners
- about / BIGSTOCK
- block-title attribute / Creating an animated cart in the header
- Bootstrap
- about / An introduction to Bootstrap
- downloading / Downloading Bootstrap (the current Version 3.1.1), Downloading and including jQuery
- URL / Downloading Bootstrap (the current Version 3.1.1)
- Bubble codes website
- about / Bubble codes by Johann Reinke
- URL / Bubble codes by Johann Reinke
- cache
- disabling / Disabling the cache
- carousel
- CMS block, creating for / Creating the CMS block for the carousel
- CE
- about / The Magento base theme
- CMS block
- creating, with links / Creating the CMS block with the links
- declaring, in local.xml file / Declaring the CMS block in the local.xml file
- creating, for carousel / Creating the CMS block for the carousel
- creating, for banners / Creating the CMS block for the banners
- CMS block (in footer)
- creating, from admin panel / Creating the CMS blocks from the admin panel
- CMS block, with PHP statement
- declaring, in header.phtml / Declaring the CMS block with a PHP statement in header.phtml
- CMS blocks
- about / CMS blocks
- CMS home page
- creating, from admin panel / Creating the CMS home page from the admin panel
- CMS page
- widgets, adding in / Adding the widget to the CMS page
- CMS pages
- about / CMS pages
- code, social media buttons
- integrating, in product page / Integrating the code in the product page
- ColorZilla website
- URL / Creating CSS3 gradients without images
- content row, home page
- creating / Creating the content row
- used, for customizing home page code / Customizing the look and feel of the home page with CSS
- used, for styling cart content / Styling the cart's content with CSS
- CSS, animated cart
- customizing / Customizing the CSS of the cart
- CSS3 3D flip animation
- creating / Creating a stunning CSS3 3D flip animation, Creating the CSS animation
- hover animation, planning / Planning the hover animation
- list-home.phtml html code / The HTML code of list-home.phtml
- CSS3 gradients without images
- creating, Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator used / Creating CSS3 gradients without images
- CSS3 media queries
- using / Using specific CSS3 media queries
- using, for large devices (container width - 1170px) / Large devices (.container width – 1170 px)
- using, for medium devices (.container width - 970px) / Medium devices (.container width – 970 px)
- using, for tablet devices (.container width - 750px) / Tablet devices (.container width – 750 px)
- using, for smartphones / Smartphones
- CSS3 transition effect
- including / Introducing CSS3 transitions
- CSS3 transitions
- about / Introducing CSS3 transitions
- using / Introducing CSS3 transitions
- multiple property changes / Multiple property changes
- properties / The CSS3 transition properties
- CSS files
- declaring, in local.xml / Declaring the CSS files in local.xml
- CSS override
- checking / Checking the CSS overriding
- custom.css file
- creating / Creating the custom.css file
- custom font
- adding, to theme / Adding a custom font to our theme
- Web-safe font, finding / Sources to find free and premium web-safe font, Google fonts, Adobe TypeKit
- Google font, integrating in theme / Integrating a Google font in our theme
- custom icon font
- adding, to theme / Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- Glyphicon icon font / Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- Font Awesome! icon font / Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- custom login.phtml file
- creating / Creating the custom login.phtml file
- custom login page
- creating / Creating a custom login page
- custom login.phtml file, creating / Creating the custom login.phtml file
- login form, creating / Creating the login form
- login form, styling / Styling the login form
- alert message, adding for incorrect data / Adding the alert message if the data is incorrect
- form.phtml file, final code / A quick recap of the complete form.phtml file, Customizing the retrieve password form
- custom Magento admin theme
- creating / Creating a custom Magento admin theme
- custom.css file, creating / Creating the custom.css file
- CSS overriding check / Checking the CSS overriding
- logo, changing / Changing the logo
- different logo name/extension, using / Using a different logo name or extension
- CSS3 gradients, creating without images / Creating CSS3 gradients without images
- header background color, changing / Changing the background color of the header
- navigation, customizing / Customizing the navigation
- footer, customizing / Customizing the footer
- other objects, customizing / Customizing other objects
- default blocks
- removing, from left sidebar / Removing the default blocks from the sidebar
- documentation
- creating / Creating the documentation of the theme
- creating, ThemeForest documentation used / A simple example of the ThemeForest documentation
- creating, Documenter tool used / The Documenter tool
- writing, tips / Some tips to write better documentation, Packaging the theme
- Documenter tool
- used, for creating documentation / The Documenter tool
- URL / The Documenter tool
- EE
- about / The Magento base theme
- empty module
- creating, for widgets / Creating an empty module
- Envato asset library
- about / The Envato asset library
- URL / The Envato asset library
- Excellence Magento blog
- about / Excellence Magento blog
- URL / Excellence Magento blog
- Fabrizio Branca blog
- about / Fabrizio Branca blog
- URL / Fabrizio Branca blog
- Facebook Like Box
- adding, to left sidebar / Adding the Facebook Like box to the left sidebar
- installing, on site / Installing the Like box on your site
- Facebook Like button
- integrating in, product page / Facebook's Like button
- fall-back system
- about / The hierarchy of files and the fall-back system
- final users
- supporting / Supporting final users
- Firebug
- URL / Customizing other objects
- used, for customizing objects in admin theme / Customizing other objects
- flexible images
- creating / Flexible images
- Font Awesome! icon font
- about / Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- Font Squirrel
- about / Font Squirrel
- URL / Font Squirrel
- footer
- developing / Developing the footer
- CMS blocks, creating from admin panel / Creating the CMS blocks from the admin panel
- newsletter block, adding / Adding the newsletter block
- footer, admin theme
- customizing / Customizing the footer
- form.phtml file
- final code / A quick recap of the complete form.phtml file, Customizing the retrieve password form
- free resource links
- for responsive design / Responsive design
- for UI-UIX / UI – UIX resources
- for animations / Animations
- for fonts / Fonts
- for social media / Social media
- for photo stocks resources / Photo stocks resources
- other resource links / Free resources
- for selling theme / Selling your theme
- Glyphicon icon font
- about / Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- goal, optimization
- about / Our goal
- Google+ button
- integrating in, product page / The Google+ button
- Google fonts
- about / Google fonts
- URL / Google fonts
- integrating, in theme / Integrating a Google font in our theme, Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- handle
- about / The layout subdirectory
- <cms_page> handle / The layout subdirectory
- <catalog_product_view> handle / The layout subdirectory
- handle types
- default handles / The layout subdirectory
- non-default handles / The layout subdirectory
- header
- animated cart, creating in / Creating an animated cart in the header
- header, Magento theme
- developing / Developing the header
- top header, creating / Creating the top header, Declaring the CMS block in the local.xml file, The right part of the top header
- main header, creating / Creating the main header, The top cart
- header top bar
- optimizing / Optimizing the top bar of the header
- logo row, fixing / Fixing the logo row
- menu bar, fixing / Fixing the menu bar
- main content column, fixing / Fixing the main content column
- products grid, fixing / Fixing the products grid
- footer, adjusting / Adjusting the footer
- home page
- developing / Developing the home page
- structure, configuring / Configuring the structure of the home page
- slider row, creating / Creating the slider row
- CMS block, creating for carousel / Creating the CMS block for the carousel
- CMS block, creating for banners / Creating the CMS block for the banners
- CMS home page, creating from admin panel / Creating the CMS home page from the admin panel
- code, customizing with CSS / Customizing the look and feel of the home page with CSS
- content row, creating / Creating the content row
- hover animation
- planning / Planning the hover animation
- hoverImg variable / Creating a nice image swap effect for when you hover the cursor over a thumbnail
- HTML5 boilerplate
- defining, for main layout design template / Defining the HTML5 boilerplate for main templates
- image swap effect
- creating / Creating a nice image swap effect for when you hover the cursor over a thumbnail
- img-responsive class / Flexible images
- Inchoo blog
- about / Inchoo's blog
- URL / Inchoo's blog
- Initial scale meta tag
- disabling, for iPhone / Initial scale meta tag (iPhone)
- Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) / Introducing CSS3 transitions
- iStock
- URL / iStock
- about / iStock
- item-container attribute / The HTML code of list-home.phtml, Creating the CSS animation
- .js files
- declaring, in local.xml / Declaring the .js files in local.xml
- JavaScript code, conditional
- adding / Adding conditional JavaScript code
- jQuery
- URL / Downloading and including jQuery
- jscolor picker / Creating a visual color picker in admin
- label parameter / Adding options to our widget.xml
- large devices (.container width - 1170px)
- CSS3 media queries, using for / Large devices (.container width – 1170 px)
- left sidebar
- customizing / Customizing the left sidebar
- default blocks, removing / Removing the default blocks from the sidebar
- vertical navigation menu, creating / Creating a vertical navigation menu on the sidebar, Customizing the main content
- Facebook Like Box, adding to / Adding the Facebook Like box to the left sidebar
- list-home.phtml html code
- creating / The HTML code of list-home.phtml
- live demo preview
- creating / Creating the live demo preview
- server performance, checking / The performance of the sever, Sample products
- sample products, creating / Sample products, Searching for royalty-free photos for the theme
- royalty-free photos, searching / Searching for royalty-free photos for the theme, BIGSTOCK, PhotoDune, The Envato asset library
- Envato asset library / The Envato asset library
- local.xml
- .js files, declaring in / Declaring the .js files in local.xml
- CSS files, declaring in / Declaring the CSS files in local.xml
- login form
- creating / Creating the login form
- styling / Styling the login form
- logo, admin header
- changing / Changing the logo
- logo extension
- changing / Using a different logo name or extension
- Magento 2
- about / Magento 2
- URL / Magento 2
- Magento base theme
- about / The Magento base theme
- fall-back system / The hierarchy of files and the fall-back system
- Magento commerce website
- about / The Magento commerce website
- URL / The Magento commerce website
- Magento Connect site
- theme, inserting in / Inserting the theme on the Magento Connect site
- Magento design guide
- about / The Magento design guide
- URL / The Magento design guide
- Magento front end certification
- about / Magento Front End certification
- URL / Magento Front End certification
- Magento Go admin theme
- installing / Installing the Magento Go admin theme
- Magento theme
- basic concepts / The basic concepts of a Magento theme
- structure / The structure of a Magento theme
- creating / Creating the theme
- app folders, creating / Starting with the app folders
- skin folders, creating / Creating the skin folders
- files, creating / Creating the necessary files
- cache, disabling / Disabling the cache
- activating / Activating the theme
- files, integrating into / Integrating the files into the theme
- .js files, declaring in local.xml / Declaring the .js files in local.xml
- CSS files, declaring in local.xml / Declaring the CSS files in local.xml
- style.css file, removing / Removing and adding the style.css file
- style.css file, adding / Removing and adding the style.css file
- conditional JavaScript code, adding / Adding conditional JavaScript code
- Google font, integrating in / Integrating a Google font in our theme, Adding a custom icon font to our theme
- optimizing, for multiple devices / Testing the responsiveness of a website
- packaging / Packaging the theme
- Magento theme basic concepts
- base theme / The Magento base theme
- Magento theme files, integrating
- final code / A quick recap of our local.xml file, Defining the main layout design template
- Magento theme optimization, multiple devices
- responsiveness, testing / Testing the responsiveness of a website
- header top bar, optimizing / Optimizing the top bar of the header, Fixing the menu bar, Fixing the main content column, Fixing the products grid, Adjusting the footer
- Magento theme structure
- about / The structure of a Magento theme
- design packages / Design packages and design themes
- design themes / Design packages and design themes
- app directory / Directory 1 – app, The layout subdirectory, Locales
- skin directory / Directory 2 – skin, Structural blocks and content blocks, CMS blocks, CMS pages
- Magento variables / Magento variables
- Magento widgets / Widgets
- Magento variables
- about / Magento variables
- creating / Magento variables
- Magento widgets
- about / Widgets, Getting started with Magento widgets
- examples / Widgets
- developing / Developing a widget
- adding, in CMS page / Adding the widget to the CMS page
- creating, with options / Creating a widget with options
- options, adding to widget.xml / Adding options to our widget.xml, Creating the frontend widget block
- frontend widget block, creating / Creating the frontend widget block, Adding the widget in the admin panel
- adding, in admin panel / Adding the widget in the admin panel, Summary
- Magento widgets, developing
- empty module, creating / Creating an empty module
- Magneto resources
- about / Official Magento resources
- Magento commerce website / The Magento commerce website
- Magento design basics / The Magento design guide
- Magento front end certification / Magento Front End certification
- Magento 2 Version / Magento 2
- main content
- customizing / Customizing the main content
- specific category products block, adding / Adding a block with some products of a specific category
- main files
- creating, in app directory / Creating the necessary files
- main header, Magento theme
- creating / Creating the main header
- logo / Logo
- top cart / The top cart
- main layout design template
- defining / Defining the main layout design template
- HTML5 boilerplate, defining for / Defining the HTML5 boilerplate for main templates
- medium devices (.container width - 970px)
- CSS3 media queries, using for / Medium devices (.container width – 970 px)
- mobile icons
- adding / Adding mobile icons
- creating, steps / Adding mobile icons
- navigation
- customizing / Customizing the navigation
- navigation bar
- creating / Creating the navigation bar
- top menu bar / The top menu bar
- search file / Search
- newsletter block
- adding, in footer / Adding the newsletter block, Summary
- opacity property / Introducing CSS3 transitions
- options
- widgets, creating with / Creating a widget with options
- adding, to widget.xml / Adding options to our widget.xml, Creating the frontend widget block
- frontend widget block, creating / Creating the frontend widget block, Adding the widget in the admin panel
- other pages, Magento theme
- customizing / Customizing the other pages of the theme
- products grid, customizing / The products grid
- product page, customizing / The product page
- file paths, customizing / File paths and handles for the other sections of the theme
- handles, customizing / File paths and handles for the other sections of the theme
- perspective property / Planning the hover animation
- photodune agency
- about / PhotoDune
- URL / PhotoDune
- Pinterest Pin button
- integrating in, product page / Pinterest's Pin button
- prettyPhoto
- about / Creating a custom product images gallery
- integrating, in Magento / Integrating prettyPhoto into Magento
- downloading / Downloading prettyPhoto
- JS and CSS, integrating / Integrating prettyPhoto JS and CSS
- media.phtml code, customizing / Customizing the media.phtml code, Initializing prettyPhoto
- initializing / Initializing prettyPhoto
- product images gallery
- creating / Creating a custom product images gallery
- work, planning / Planning the work
- prettyPhoto, integrating into Magento / Integrating prettyPhoto into Magento, Downloading prettyPhoto, Customizing the media.phtml code, Initializing prettyPhoto
- image swap effect, creating / Creating a nice image swap effect for when you hover the cursor over a thumbnail
- product page
- customizing / The product page
- social media buttons, integrating in / Integrating the social plugin in the product page
- social media buttons code, integrating in / Integrating the code in the product page
- Facebook Like button, integrating in / Facebook's Like button
- Twitter Tweet button, integrating in / Twitter's Tweet button
- Pinterest Pin button, integrating in / Pinterest's Pin button
- Google+ button, integrating in / The Google+ button
- + button, integrating in / The + button
- products grid
- customizing / The products grid
- required parameter / Adding options to our widget.xml
- responsive coding
- tips and tools / Tips and tools for responsive coding, Flexible images, Initial scale meta tag (iPhone)
- responsiveness, website
- testing, Viewport Resizer used / Testing the responsiveness of a website
- responsive utilities, Bootstrap
- URL / Hiding the unnecessary blocks for lower resolutions
- retrieve password form
- customizing / Customizing the retrieve password form
- royalty-free photos
- searching, for theme / Searching for royalty-free photos for the theme
- searching, in iStock / iStock
- searching, in BIGSTOCK website / BIGSTOCK
- searching, in photodune agency / PhotoDune
- sample products, live demo
- creating / Sample products, Searching for royalty-free photos for the theme
- server performance, live demo
- checking / The performance of the sever
- skin directory
- reference blocks/structural blocks / Structural blocks and content blocks
- content blocks / Structural blocks and content blocks
- CMS pages / CMS blocks and page, CMS pages
- CMS blocks / CMS blocks and page, CMS blocks
- folders, creating in / Creating the skin folders
- slider row, home page
- creating / Creating the slider row
- small resolutions
- unnecessary blocks, hiding for / Hiding the unnecessary blocks for lower resolutions
- smartphones
- CSS3 media queries, using for / Smartphones
- Smashing magazine
- about / Smashing magazine
- URL / Smashing magazine
- social media buttons
- integrating, in product page / Integrating the social plugin in the product page
- Facebook Like button / Facebook's Like button
- Twitter Tweet button / Twitter's Tweet button
- Pinterest Pin button / Pinterest's Pin button
- Google+ button / The Google+ button
- + button / The + button
- social media integration
- about / Getting started with social media integration
- specific category products block
- adding, to main content / Adding a block with some products of a specific category
- style.css file
- removing / Removing and adding the style.css file
- adding / Removing and adding the style.css file
- System.xml fields, admin panel
- overviewing / Overviewing the System.xml fields
- input text option, creating / Creating an input text
- textarea option, creating / Creating textarea
- yes/no dropdown option, creating / Creating a dropdown with Yes/No values
- enable/disable dropdown option, creating / Creating a dropdown with Enable/Disable values
- custom dropdown option, creating / Creating a dropdown with custom values
- file upload option field, creating / Creating a File Upload option field
- tablet devices (.container width - 750px)
- CSS3 media queries, using for / Tablet devices (.container width – 750 px)
- Template Path Hints option
- about / Template path hint
- enabling / Template path hint
- theme
- selling, on ThemeForest / Selling the theme on ThemeForest, My personal experience
- inserting, on Magento Connect site / Inserting the theme on the Magento Connect site
- support and updates / Support and updates, Supporting final users
- ThemeForest
- theme, selling on / Selling the theme on ThemeForest
- theme price, deciding / Theme pricing
- ThemeForest documentation
- used, for creating documentation / A simple example of the ThemeForest documentation
- theme options module, admin panel
- creating / Creating the theme options module
- activating / Activating the module
- module helper, creating / Creating the module helper
- configuration file config.xml, creating / Creating the configuration file config.xml
- options file system.xml, creating / Creating the options file system.xml
- options fields / Getting started with options fields
- theme price
- deciding / Theme pricing
- tips and tools, responsive coding
- unnecessary blocks, hiding for small resolutions / Hiding the unnecessary blocks for lower resolutions
- flexible images, creating / Flexible images
- initial scale meta tag (iPhone) / Initial scale meta tag (iPhone)
- top.phtml file, animated cart
- customizing / Customizing the topcart.phtml file
- top header, Magento theme
- creating / Creating the top header
- CMS block links / CMS block links, Declaring the CMS block in the local.xml file, Declaring the CMS block with a PHP statement in header.phtml
- user area / The right part of the top header, Creating the main header
- transition property / The CSS3 transition properties
- Tuts plus website
- Magento tutorials / Tuts plus Magento tutorials
- URL / Tuts plus Magento tutorials
- Twitter Tweet button
- integrating in, product page / Twitter's Tweet button
- type parameter / Adding options to our widget.xml
- Ultimate CSS Gradient Generator
- used, for creating CSS3 gradients / Creating CSS3 gradients without images
- updates, themes
- bugs, fixing / Fixing the bugs and adding new features
- new features, adding / Fixing the bugs and adding new features
- Variable Code field / Magento variables
- vertical navigation menu, left sidebar
- creating / Creating a vertical navigation menu on the sidebar, Customizing the main content
- Viewport Resizer
- used, for testing responsiveness / Testing the responsiveness of a website
- visible parameter / Adding options to our widget.xml
- visual color picker, admin panel
- creating / Creating a visual color picker in admin
- options, validating / Validate options
- default values, defining for options fields / Defining default values for options fields
- Web-safe font sources
- Google fonts / Google fonts
- Font Squirrel / Font Squirrel
- Adobe TypeKit / Adobe TypeKit
- websites, Magento
- Excellence Magento blog / Excellence Magento blog
- Fabrizio Branca blog / Fabrizio Branca blog
- Bubble codes by Johann Reinke / Bubble codes by Johann Reinke, Inchoo's blog
- Inchoo blog / Inchoo's blog
- Tuts plus Magento tutorials / Tuts plus Magento tutorials
- Smashing magazine / Smashing magazine
- widget.xml file
- options, adding to / Adding options to our widget.xml, Creating the frontend widget block
- WYSIWYG editor
- disabling / Disabling the WYSIWYG editor