Intrusion analysis case – how to proceed
In this section, we look at intrusion analysis from a CTI standpoint. This will help put the process into practice.
Objectives: The objective of the use case is to illustrate how to approach an intrusion analysis case. The use case also helps show how to enrich the information as part of the CTI process. It also demonstrates how to validate third-party intelligence in the CTI process.
Scenario: As the ABC company TI analyst, you get an email from a government law enforcement agency about a potential malicious communication between your organization and a probable command-and-control (C2) channel IP address,
. You are tasked to investigate and analyze the potential threat.
Analysis: The leading questions are: Is the provided C2 IP address malicious (third-party trust)? What does the correlation with external data source say about the C2 IP? Who in the network communicates with the provided IP?