JMeter Overview
JMeter Overview
Apache JMeter is a software that allows you to perform load tests on various protocols and technologies.
It was developed by the Apache Software Foundation (
Figure 2.1: Apache JMeter logo
JMeter is an application written in Java and offers an integrated development environment (IDE) for load test development.
This IDE has multiple looks and feels (LAFs), the default one shown here is based on Darcula LAF. Later in this book, we'll use the cross-platform LAF for presentation purposes because it is white.
Figure 2.2: Apache JMeter
JMeter runs on any Java-compatible OS (including Linux, Microsoft Windows, macOS, and so on).
The application can also be used on the command line, in other words, without a graphical interface, which is the mode that should be used systematically during your load tests.
JMeter is multithreaded and can simulate a lot of virtual users (VU...