- Advanced Tiled Loader
- about / Loading the game level
- GitHub, URL / Loading the game level
- Android mobile phones
- LÖVE on / LÖVE on Android mobile phones
- anim8 library
- about / The anim8 library
- frames / Frames
- animation / Animation
- player movement / Player movement
- gravitation physics / Gravitation physics
- player, collision with platform / Player collision with platform
- player, death / Player's death
- player, drawing / Draw player
- anim8.newAnimation() function / The anim8 library
- anim8.newGrid() / Frames
- animation
- about / Animation
- animation, anim8 library
- about / Animation
- loop / Animation
- once / Animation
- bounce / Animation
- antagonist / Antagonist
- audio system
- about / Audio system
- enemy collision sounds / Enemy collision sounds
- item pick sounds / Item pick sounds
- bounce mode / Animation
- browser
- LÖVE in / LÖVE on browsers
- bump.collision() function / Player collision with platform
- bump.lua library
- about / Bump on it!
- URL / Bump on it!
- ButtonClick() function / On clicking a button
- character
- moving left / Moving left, right, up, or down
- moving right / Moving left, right, up, or down
- moving up / Moving left, right, up, or down
- moving down / Moving left, right, up, or down
- character objects
- loading / Loading the character objects (player and enemy)
- coin / Coin
- coins
- about / Pickups, Coins
- coin sound, item pick sounds / Coin sound
- conf.lua
- about / Conf.lua
- module / Conf.lua
- love.update() function / Conf.lua
- new file / Conf.lua
- 2D objects
- drawing / Drawing 2D objects
- death state, enemy / Enemy death function
- diamond / Diamond
- diamonds
- about / Pickups, Diamonds
- diamond sound, item pick sounds / Diamond sound
- draw() function / Animation
- DrawEnemy() function / Drawing the enemy character to the screen
- editor
- selecting / Choosing your editor
- enemy
- position, updating / Updating the enemy position and animation
- animation, updating / Updating the enemy position and animation
- collision, configuring / Enemy collision configuration
- state, configuring / Enemy collision configuration
- death function / Enemy death function
- character, drawing to screen / Drawing the enemy character to the screen
- bump configuration, adding / Drawing the enemy character to the screen
- enemy collision sounds
- about / Enemy collision sounds
- EnemyDie() / Enemy death function
- FindSolidTiles() function / Loading solid tiles into the bump
- FindSolidTiles(map) / Updating the enemy position and animation
- flippedH / Animation
- flippedV / Animation
- frames, anim8 library / Frames
- gamestate condition / Menu HUD
- gravitation physics, anim8 library
- about / Gravitation physics
- about / Head-Up Display (HUD)
- menu HUD / Menu HUD
- on clicking button / On clicking a button
- life HUD / Life HUD
- score HUD / Score HUD
- isometric view
- URL / Planning your game
- item pick sounds
- about / Item pick sounds
- coin sound / Coin sound
- diamond sound / Diamond sound
- life
- about / Pickups, Life
- life HUD
- about / Life HUD
- Linux
- about / Linux
- Linux users
- LÖVE, downloading for / For Linux users
- LoadLevel() function / Pickups
- LoadTiledMap(levelFile) / Loading solid tiles into the bump
- LoadTileMap() function / Gravitation physics
- loop mode / Animation
- callback / Audio system
- love.draw() / Basic structure of LÖVE
- love.draw() chunk / Draw player
- love.draw() function / Drawing the enemy character to the screen
- love.draw function / Menu HUD
- / Animation
- function / Rotating objects
- module / Conf.lua, Drawing 2D objects
- love.keyboard.isDown() function / Rotating objects
- love.keypressed callback function / Animation
- love.load() / Basic structure of LÖVE
- love.load() function / Menu HUD
- love.update() function / Conf.lua
- love.update(dt) / Basic structure of LÖVE
- love.update function / On clicking a button
- downloading / Downloading LÖVE
- basic structure / Basic structure of LÖVE, Examples, Conf.lua
- quad / Sprites
- in browser / LÖVE on browsers
- on Android mobile phones / LÖVE on Android mobile phones
- LÖVE, downloading
- for Windows users / For Windows users
- for Linux users / For Linux users
- for Mac users / For Mac users
- LÖVE game
- running / Running a LÖVE game
- Mac app
- about / Mac apps
- Mac users
- LÖVE wiki, URL / For Mac users
- LÖVE, downloading for / For Mac users
- main.lua
- editing / Examples
- menu HUD
- about / Menu HUD
- mygame / Mac apps
- objects
- moving / Moving objects
- rotating / Rotating objects
- once mode / Animation
- pickups
- coins / Pickups, Coins
- diamonds / Pickups, Diamonds
- life / Pickups, Life
- about / Pickups
- PickupSound$play() / Coin sound
- player
- about / Player
- player, anim8 library
- movement / Player movement
- collision, with platform / Player collision with platform
- death / Player's death
- drawing / Draw player
- player.t value / Gravitation physics
- player.vY value / Gravitation physics
- player character
- about / A player character
- player spawn function / A player character
- quad
- about / Sprites
- Quad$flip / Player
- RPGs / Role-playing games
- score HUD
- about / Score HUD
- side-scrolling
- URL / Planning your game
- Sprite Maker tool
- URL / Sprites
- sprites
- about / Sprites
- Sprite Maker tool, URL / Sprites
- by Marc Russell, URL / Sprites
- static. Static / Audio system
- structure, LÖVE
- about / Basic structure of LÖVE
- love.load() / Basic structure of LÖVE
- love.draw() / Basic structure of LÖVE
- example / Examples
- conf.lua / Conf.lua
- .tmx format / Exporting your tile map
- Tiled
- about / Getting started with Tiled
- tile map
- exporting / Exporting your tile map
- Tile set
- about / Tile set
- update() function / Animation
- variable
- about / Rotating objects
- video game
- planning / Planning your game
- isometric view, URL / Planning your game
- side-scrolling, URL / Planning your game
- strategy / Strategy
- role-playing game / Role-playing games
- adventure / Adventure
- action / Action
- simulation / Simulation
- basic level design / Basic level design
- assets, preparing / Getting your assets ready
- player / Player
- coin / Coin
- antagonist / Antagonist
- diamond / Diamond
- executable format, creating / Windows executable
- Windows
- executable / Windows executable
- Windows users
- LÖVE, downloading for / For Windows users