Stack structure
There are two aspects to how a stack may be structured. One is to do with how user interface elements are organized, and the other is about where in the hierarchy of a stack you should place your code.
Code driven and manually created layouts
If you imagine how a typical mobile application appears, it could be something along these lines:
Sometimes applications are entirely code driven, where every screen you see is created using code at the time that it's needed. Or perhaps it would be already laid out elements that are saved as resources, and then the code loads those resources. In either case the whole application could take place on the equivalent of one LiveCode card.
Another approach would be to lay out every possible screen combination as different cards, or even stacks, and go to the card or stack that looks like the app should at that moment.
In the first case you would need to run the application and go through the user actions in order to see if the layout was correct...