In the previous chapter, we looked at how to model Chefbot. In this chapter, we are going to learn how to simulate the robot using the Gazebo simulator in ROS. We will learn how to create a simulation model of Chefbot, and we will create a hotel-like environment in Gazebo to test our application, which is programmed to automatically deliver food to customers. We will look at a detailed explanation of each of the steps to test out our application. The following are the important topics that we are going to cover in this chapter:
- Getting started with the Gazebo simulator
- Working with the TurtleBot 2 simulation
- Creating a simulation of Chefbot
- URDF tags and plugins for simulations
- Getting started with simultaneous localization and mapping
- Implementing SLAM in a Gazebo environment
- Creating a map using SLAM
- Getting started with adaptive...