What is Cellar DOSGi?
Cellar DOSGi is an implementation of the Remote Service Admin specifications from the OSGi specifications. Basically, it's a remote communication between services from bundles hosted in different containers.
With the OSGi service, a bundle exposes a service (actually, an interface) to the service registry provided by the OSGi framework. Another bundle can look up for services in the service registry, get a reference to this service, and use it. Thanks to this, we have a real Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) approach on low-level components (bundles).
Cellar DOSGi brings a distributed service registry and remote usage of a service using Hazelcast NIO.
Hazelcast NIO is a data serialization and transport implementation of NIO. For details, you can take a look at the Java NIO Javadocs (http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/nio/package-summary.html) and Hazelcast NIO documentation (http://hazelcast.org/docs/2.6/javadoc/com/hazelcast/nio/DataSerializable.html).