Preparing to make the retro squash game
Now we are ready to discuss the making of our next game. We actually know everything we need to. We just need to think about how to use the different techniques we have learned.
Let's first look at exactly what we want to achieve so that we have something to aim for.
The design of the game
Let's look at a screenshot of the game as a good starting point. When you design your own games, drawing sketches of the in-game objects and mechanics of the game will be an invaluable part of the design process. Here, we can cheat a bit by taking a look at the end result.

The UI
Starting from the top, we have Score. Every time the player successfully hits the ball, a point is added. Next, we have Lives. The player starts with three lives, and every time they let a ball go past their racket, they lose one life. When the player has zero lives, their score is set to zero, lives are set back to three, and the game begins again. Next to this, we have FPS. FPS stands for frames...