Folium is a Python library that makes it easy to generate web maps using the Leaflet
web-mapping library through Python code without editing any HTML or JavaScript normally required when working with Leaflet
. Once the web map is created, you can still customize it further by editing the resulting HTML. Folium supports a number of overlay data types so you can add data to the included basemap and build interactive, thematic GIS maps.
You can install Folium through Conda using the following:
conda install folium
This short script creates a map centered on a given location at zoom level 13 out of 16, then adds an pop-up informational marker with some text:
import folium m = folium.Map(location=[30.3088, -89.3300], zoom_start=13) folium.Marker( location=[30.32, -89.3300], popup="A Place Apart", icon=folium.Icon(color="green"), ).add_to(m)"map.html")
The script...