Securing web applications
When securing a web application with Keycloak, the first thing you should consider is the architecture of the application as there are multiple approaches:
- First and foremost, is your web application a traditional web application running on the server side or a modern single-page application (SPA) running in the browser?
- The second thing to consider is whether the application is accessing any REST APIs, and if so, are the REST APIs a part of the application or external?
If it is a SPA-type application invoking external APIs, then there are two further options to consider. Does the application invoke the external REST API directly, or through a dedicated REST API hosted alongside the application?
Based on this, you should determine which of the following matches the architecture of the application you are securing:
- Server side: If the web application is running inside a web server or an application server.
- SPA with dedicated REST API: If the application is...