Color picker input
As one of the new input types, we have the the input type="color"
element, which lets you pick a color and the chosen color will have its simple colors representation that we are used to. The color representation has a more popular name of hexadecimal color representation, and in this recipe, we will see a simple example on how to use it by creating a form with color picker:

How to do it...
We will create a simple form where we will have a color picker added in a form that is part of the HTML body:
<form> <label> Select your favorite color <input type="color" value="#0000ff"> </label> <input type="submit" > </form>
How it works...
The color input type gets picked up and the currently selected color is shown. On clicking the color, we can select a menu directly from the systems color picking control.
Value selected is represented as a simple color string having a #
character and six character representation that is a case-insensitive...