Tadas Ĺ ubonis started coding roughly when he was thirteen. Since then, he has programmed with PHP, JavaScript, Python, C++, and Java (the language in which he has probably written the most code). He took up Android in 2014 and identified that Android lacks decent support for asynchronous programming (Async Task was/is a joke) while more reckless languages, such as JavaScript, had Promises for a long time. Furthermore, Java's standard library was lacking decent support for functional programming primitives (map, filter), but that was easily fixable with libraries such as Guava. This lead Tadas to a search for a library that would help him achieve a Promise-like functionality and interface. It didn't take long until he found ReactiveX and its family of implementations (including RxJava) that handle streams in Reactive fashion. It wasn't exactly the flow of Promised-like systems but soon enough, he realized that it's even more powerful. Since then, he has been using RxJava (and RxKotlin) for his daily Android programming. The quality of the code (the lack of bugs, readability, and maintainability) has improved ten-fold.
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