Stacks and Queues
In this chapter, we will discuss two very important data structures: stacks and queues. Stacks and queues have many important applications, such as form operating system architecture, arithmetic expression evaluation, load balancing, managing printing jobs, and traversing data. In stack and queue data structures, the data is stored sequentially, like arrays and linked lists, but unlike arrays and linked lists, the data is handled in a specific order with certain constraints, which we will be discussing in detail in this chapter. Moreover, we will also examine how we can implement stacks and queues using linked lists and arrays.
In this chapter, we will discuss constraints and methods to handle the data in stacks and queues. We will also implement these data structures and learn how to apply different operations to these data structures in Python.
In this chapter, we will cover the following:
- How to implement stacks and queues using various methods...