Continuous Integration
Continuous Integration (CI) is one of the most popular buzzwords you can read everywhere. As is apparent from its name, CI is the process of integrating the code base each time; whenever any one makes commits to the repository. It compiles the code, run the unit test cases and prepare the build. One of the benefits a user gets here is, if there are compile issues and integration issues, a user can figure out at early stages, rather than it being too late. The following is the generic workflow the CI tool follows:

Figure 6.1
How does Gradle fit into this flow? To plan the build and deployment automation solution for any software, we need a different set of tools to work together to achieve the common goal. Jenkins is one of the integration tools that helps to integrate the complete workflow. It also works on the concept of plugins; you can add different plugins to Jenkins (for example, Gradle, Git, Svn, and so on) as per your need and configure them to plan the automation...