Block, file, or object storage are not the only solutions to store data. Data can also be stored in databases: relational SQL databases and non-relational NoSQL databases. Both types will be covered in the next sections. Also, we will look into a data warehouse and in-memory database:
While looking for a database that will be the best fit for a solution, we consider the following requirements:
- Availability: Can an application accept that data is unavailable or available with a certain delay? Should it be regional (such as Cloud SQL), multi-regional, or span continents such as Spanner?
- Scale: How much data will be stored? For example, terabytes in a CloudSQL instance or petabytes with a Spanner instance.
- Performance: Is it a database for real-time systems or analytics? How fast should a database process read and write operations? How many regions will it have to serve? (If copies of a database are spread across regions, it may introduce some latency to write...