Software testing and quality assurance
A bug is a failure in the way that software is intended to function and a common occurrence in a large code base. For every 1,000 lines of code, there may be an average of 15-50 bugs in it. They’re impossible to avoid! Software engineers and users alike don’t enjoy finding bugs in software. As seen in the previous steps, a team of software engineers will write code to test their software as a first attempt to catch any bugs. However, chances are that bugs will slip through and will sometimes be discovered through other methods of testing. Testing is also another point in the process to check whether the requirements are being met, which can be a test in itself. Doing this type of test for quality can be the job of a quality assurance engineer (QA engineer), another type of software engineer, who may be testing the code as it is being built and has a variety of other tests that they may run once code is submitted and considered completed...