Unix domain sockets
From the previous chapter, we know that if we are going to establish a connection between two processes on the same machine, UDS are one of the best options. In this chapter, we expanded our discussion and talked a bit more about push-based IPC techniques, as well as stream and datagram channels. Now it's time to gather our knowledge from previous and current chapters and see UDS in action.
In this section, we have four subsections dedicated to processes being on the listener side or the connector side and operating on a stream or a datagram channel. All of these processes are using UDS. We go through the steps they should take to establish the channel, based on the sequences we discussed in the previous chapter. As the first process, we start with the listener process operating on a stream channel. This would be the stream server.
UDS stream server
If you remember from the previous chapter, we had a number of sequences for listener and connector sides...