Unravel the thread
A thread is a collection of e-mail messages, and the thread view makes up the left-hand pane of our application. It looks something like this:
// app/view/threads/Threads.js Ext.define('Postcard.view.threads.Threads', { extend: 'Ext.DataView', xtype: 'threads', cls: 'thread-view', viewModel: 'threads', controller: 'threads', border: true, deferEmptyText: false, emptyText: 'No messages', autoScroll: true, itemSelector: '.thread', bind: '{threads}' tpl: new Ext.XTemplate('<tpl for=".">', '<div class="thread">', '<div class="date">{lastMessageOn:date("H:m")}</div>', '<div class="details">', '<div class="header">{people} - {subject}</div>', '<div class="body">{[this.stripHtml(values.lastMessageSnippet)]}</div>', '</div>', '</div>', '</tpl>', { stripHtml: function...