In this chapter, you learned how to configure VSCode to work with UmiJS. You learned how to set up a project and organize the UmiJS folder structure. You also learned how to use the Umi CLI to automate tasks and quickly add pages and templates to your project.
You learned that an UmiJS project is a single-page application and about various configurations to define routes in your project. You learned how to access path parameters and query string parameters. You also learned how UmiJS could automatically configure routes based on the folder convention. You learned about navigation using umi history and the link component.
Finally, you learned how to install and use Umi UI to interact with your project. You then learned how to execute tasks using Umi UI and add Ant Design components as blocks in your project.
In the next chapter, you will learn more about Ant Design in a Umi project and how to use it to develop interfaces.