Source code control for ARM templates
Source code control is a system of storing code and system artifacts in a central repository. This central repository is used by the team to do the following:
- Track modifications
- Maintain different versions of the same code
- Collaborate
- Audit changes
- Automate deployment
Microsoft Azure provides two options to create a centralized code repository: Git and Team Foundation Version Control (TFVC). Which one of these two options is best for you? TFVC is a mature source code management system with a rich set of features, as Microsoft has been working on TFVC for many years. GitHub is a more recent acquisition of Microsoft and implements source code with a different architecture. TFVC is centralized. Git is distributed.
One of the important concepts in source code control is branching. Branching involves copying the source code and tagging it as a separate version. From the time a repository is branched, all the changes...