Testing observability and traffic splitting with Linkerd
Now, it’s time to test the observability. To start exploring the dashboard and see the observability, follow the given steps:
- Open your dashboard by running the following command:
$ linkerd viz dashboard
This will automatically open the dashboard to the URL http://localhost:50750
The dashboard will look as in the following screenshot:
Figure 8.5 – Linkerd dashboard
To load the right information, select the MYAPPS namespace in the combo box in the left sidebar, and then click on the Deployments icon to load the HTTP Metrics and TCP Metrics information.
To see similar information as the previous dashboard, execute the following command to start sending traffic to our deployment:
$ ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get svc nginx-ingress-ingress-nginx-controller --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}' -n nginx-ingress) $ while true; do curl http://$ENDPOINT...