As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
Azure Cloud Shell
reference link 17
.NET Framework objects 275
access restrictions 77
account SAS 176
Active Directory Authentication Library (ADAL) 165
active geo-replication 209
activity functions 103
Administrators group 268
advanced APIM policies
API responses, caching 273, 274
API responses, mocking 272, 273
flow, controlling 275, 276
requests, throttling 274, 275
using 271
advanced CDN configuration
about 221
cached content, purging 222
caching rules 221
geo-filter 223
preloading 222
website, configuring to use CDN 223
advanced configuration, Azure Cache for Redis
access key 210
Azure Redis console 211
diagnostic settings 211
firewall and virtual network integration 211
advanced features, Azure...