How Kubernetes works in AWS
The layers in a Kubernetes containerization system look like this, from the bottom to the top:
- AWS, Azure, or GCP is the cloud platform.
- The cloud platform runs a service, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), which supports the control plane.
- The next layer is the control plane, which is managed by Kubernetes. This is the root of the cluster.
- The control plane deploys Pods according to changing network application metrics that the cloud administrator can define. Pods are deployed to be able to manage the needs of your Kubernetes application at any given time. For instance, more users and more bandwidth consumption usually result in more Pods.
- Pods deploy containers.
Here’s a sample diagram of Kubernetes architecture:

Figure 6.2 – Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes Deployments in AWS use Amazon EC2 because that’s the main compute platform. It’s possible...