Drawing on gLCDs
Drawing is always fun. Drawing and handling LCD displays instead of LEDs matrices is really interesting too, because we have devices with high-density points we can switch on and off easily.
LCDs exist in many types. The two main types are the character and graphical type.
We are talking about the graphical type here, especially those based on the KS0108 graphics-only controller used in many regular gLCD devices.
We are going to use a nice library that is available on Google. It has code by Michael Margolis and Bill Perry, and it is named glcd-arduino
. This library is licensed under the GNU Lesser GPL.
Let's download it here: http://code.google.com/p/glcd-arduino/downloads/list. Download the most recent version.
Unzip it, put it in the place where all your libraries are, and restart or start your Arduino IDE.
You should now see a lot of examples related to the gLCD library.
We won't check all the nice features and functions provided by this library here, but you can check this...