Making the Arduino talk to us
Imagine that you have followed carefully the Blink250ms
project, everything is wired correctly, you double-checked that, and the code seems okay too, but it doesn't work.
Our LED isn't blinking at all. How to be sure that the loop()
structure of your code is correctly running? We'll modify the code a bit in order to trace its steps.
Adding serial communication to Blink250ms
Here, in the following code, we'll add serial communication for the LED to blink every 250 ms:
Open your previous code.
Use Save As to create another project under the name
It is good practice to start from an already existing code, to save it under another name, and to modify it according to your needs.
Modify the current code by adding all rows beginning with
as follows:/* TalkingAndBlink250ms Program Turns a LED connected to digital pin 8 on for 250ms, then off for 1s, infinitely. In both steps, the Arduino Board send data to the console of the IDE for...