Building the tabletop fan
Before building this fan using your LEGO bricks from the LEGO BOOST kit, let's look at the elements needed to build this fan:
- Motor
- The wings of the fan
Great! We will be building the tabletop fan shown in the following figure:
Follow these steps to build this tabletop fan. Make sure that you select the right pieces from your kit, as mentioned in the building instructions:
- Take your LEGO BOOST Hub. Make sure that the BOOST Hub has fully charged batteries in it:
- Take five 4x6 bricks and stack them on the BOOST Hub, as shown here:
- Take two 1x6 plates (orange) and place them on the top of the stack:
- Now, take the external motor and mount it on the orange plates that you just attached:
- Now, take a 1/2 bush and one 3M yellow cross axle and attach them to the motor:
- Take a 2x2 round brick and insert it into the 3M axle:
- Take a 2x6 plate and attach it to the white brick with a cross:
- Take two 2x3 white plates and attach them to the 2x6 blue plate:
- Take another 2x8 plate and attach it between the two white plates. This will form the base for the fan's wings:
- Take four 2x6 black bricks with bows and attach them to the white and gray plates. These are the wings of your fan:
- Take four orange 1x2 plates and attach them to the fan's wings:
- Take a 2M cross axle and one white brick with a cross. Attach it to the gray plate, as shown here:
- Take a sprocket and attach it to the 2M cross axle. At this point, your tabletop fan is ready to use! Connect your motor to port C:
Now that your tabletop fan is ready, let's program it.